
Showing posts with the label English

Elon Musk's Journey to Mars

 Elon Musk’s Journey to Mars     My name is Elon Musk and I helped create PayPal and then Tesla.” NASA turns to the private sector to resupply the International Space Station. “I recently helped create the SpaceX. The reason I got into this space exploration was that it didn’t seem to me that we’ve been making the progress that we should make given the fact that we could get to the moon in 1969. In fact, it seemed like we were going backward.” Three, two, one, and liftoff of the Space x Falcon 9 rocket. “I thought it was important that we ultimately be on a path towards creating a self-sustaining civilization on Mars. And NASA awarded us one of three contracts to upgrade our capability to human transport.” What we’re looking at here is Dragon Spacecraft Pressure Vessel. “And I like working on engineering and design. Sales and finance are not really my forte.” “We intend to keep advancing the space technology until it’s possible for people to go to Mars. Like I love to ...

Comparison Of Adjectives

 Comparison Of Adjectives  There are three Degrees of Comparison -  Positive Degree Comparative Degree Superlative Degree   * Positive Degree   The Positive Degree of an Adjective is the Adjective in its simple form . It is used when no comparison is made. Ex : sweet, small, tall, white , etc. The mangoes taste sweet. * Comparative Degree  The Comparative Degree of an Adjective denotes a higher degree of the quality than the positive , and is used when two things are compared .  Ex : sweeter, smaller, taller, whiter, etc . Rama is smaller than me. * Superlative Degree The Superlative Degree of an Adjective denotes the highest degree of the quality and is used when more than two things are compared. Ex : sweetest, smallest, tallest, whitest, etc. This boy is the strongest in the class.

The Sentence, Subject And Predicate

Sentence A group of words that makes  a complete sense is called a Sentence. Example : Little Jack Horner sat in a corner.                    Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Kinds of a Sentence 1- Declarative or Assertive Sentences  A sentence that makes a statement or assertion is called a Declarative or Assertive sentence.  Example : Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. 2- Interrogative Sentences A sentence that asks a question is called Interrogative Sentence. Example : Where do you live?                    What is your name? 3- Imperative Sentence A sentence that expresses a command,order,requests is called Imperative sentence. Example : Be quiet .                    Have mercy upon us. ...