Elon Musk's Journey to Mars

 Elon Musk’s Journey to Mars     My name is Elon Musk and I helped create PayPal and then Tesla.” NASA turns to the private sector to resupply the International Space Station. “I recently helped create the SpaceX. The reason I got into this space exploration was that it didn’t seem to me that we’ve been making the progress that we should make given the fact that we could get to the moon in 1969. In fact, it seemed like we were going backward.” Three, two, one, and liftoff of the Space x Falcon 9 rocket. “I thought it was important that we ultimately be on a path towards creating a self-sustaining civilization on Mars. And NASA awarded us one of three contracts to upgrade our capability to human transport.” What we’re looking at here is Dragon Spacecraft Pressure Vessel. “And I like working on engineering and design. Sales and finance are not really my forte.” “We intend to keep advancing the space technology until it’s possible for people to go to Mars. Like I love to ...



There are 2 types of Gender, either Male or Female.
 In terms of Gender ,we call it Masculine Gender or Feminine Gender.

1- Masculine Gender :

A Noun that denotes a male is said to be Masculine Gender.


Boy, Lion, Hero, Cock, Sparrow, etc.

2- Feminine Gender : 

A Noun that denotes a female is said to be Feminine Gender.

Example : 

Girl, Lioness, Heroine, Hen, Sparrow, etc.

Masculine Gender -  Brother , bull, Bullock, Dog, father, Gentleman, Sir, Man, Monk, Son, Uncle, Author, Mayor, Poet, Actor, Hunter,etc

Feminine Gender -  sister, Cow, Heifer, Bitch, Mother, Lady, Madam, Nun, daughter, Aunt, Authoress, Mayoress, Poetess, Actress, huntress, etc.

* Common Gender : 

A noun that denotes either a male or a female is said to be a Common Gender.

Example : 

Parent, Child, Friend, Pupil , Servant, thief, relation, enemy, cousin, orphan, student, baby, monarch, neighbour , infant,etc .

* Neuter Gender : 

A noun that denotes a thing that is neither male nor female is said to be Neuter Gender.

Example : 

Book. pen, room, tree, etc

[ Neuter means neither ,that is, neither male or female ]


  • Tree - Trees
  • Box - Boxes
  • Ox   - Oxen
  • Man - Men 
The first word of each pair denotes one thing, the second word of each thing denotes more than one .

Therefore ,

A Noun that denotes one person or thing is said to be Singular Number .

Example : Boy, Girl, Cow, Bird, Tree, Book, Pen, etc

A Noun that denotes more than one person or thing is said to be Plural Number. 

Example : Boys, girls, Cows, birds, trees, books, pens, etc

Points To Note :

* The Plural of Nouns is generally formed by adding -s to the singular as ,

Boy - Boys
Girl - girls
Book - Books
Pen - Pens 
Desk- Desks
Cow - Cows

* But Nouns ending in -s , -sh, -ch or -x form the plural by adding -es to the singular as ,

Class - Classes
Kiss   - Kisses
Dish  - Dishes
Brush- Brushes
Watch- Watches
Tax    - Taxes

* Most Nouns ending in -o also form the plural by adding -es to the singular as,

Buffalo - Buffaloes
Mango  - Mangoes
Hero     - Heroes
Echo     - Echoes
Potato   - Potatoes
Cargo   - Cargoes

*A few nouns ending in -o merely adds -s as,

Dynamo - dynamos
Solo       -Solos
Ratio      - Ratios
Piano     - Pianos
Logo      - Logos
Kilo       - Kilos 

* Noun ending in -y preceded by a constant , form their plural by adding -y into -i and adding -es as,

Baby - Babies
Lady - Ladies
City  - Cities
Story- Stories
Pony - Ponies
Army- Armies



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